主要內容:聯合國安理會 (United Nations Security Council) 表決
10月16日,俄羅斯提出 以哈停火決議草案,呼籲以哈立即實行人道主義停火;強烈譴責針對平民的一切暴力及恐怖主義行為;呼籲釋放所有人質;燃料和醫療等人道主義援助 ,很明顯,美國和以色列都會覺得燃料不能放鬆,停火不可接受。決議草案未獲通過。
10月25日,到美國提出草案,先看正式內容,聯合國安理會9453RD MEETING (PM) NOTE
By the terms of the United States’ draft resolution, the Council would have unequivocally (明確地) rejected and condemned the heinous terrorist attacks by Hamas and other terrorist groups that took place in Israel starting 7 October. It would have reaffirmed (重申) the inherent right (固有權利) of all States to individual and collective (集體) self-defence (自衛), adding that in responding to terrorist attacks, Member States must fully comply with all their obligations under international law.
By other terms, the Council would have also demanded the immediate and unconditional release of all remaining hostages taken by Hamas and other terrorist groups and called for all measures, specifically to include humanitarian pauses (基於人道的暫停), to allow the full, rapid, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access (人道實施).
By the terms of the Russian Federation’s draft, the Council would have called for an immediate, durable and fully respected humanitarian ceasefire (停火), firmly condemned all violence and hostilities against civilians and unequivocally rejected and condemned both the heinous attacks by Hamas in Israel starting 7 October and the taking of civilian hostages.
By other terms, it would have called for all measures(用盡一切方法), such as humanitarian pauses (基於人道的暫停) and establishment of humanitarian corridors(人道走廊), necessary to allow humanitarian agencies and their implementing partners full (全面), rapid, safe and unhindered access (實施) to all affected areas (所有受影響地方) in Gaza. It would have also urged the immediate rescission (撤銷) of the order for civilians and UN staff to evacuate (撤離令) all areas of Gaza north of the Wadi Gaza and relocate to the south.